Last updated 27.09.03

Publications: Journal Articles

Accepted (Refereed):

E. Yakel, (in press) "Encoded Archival Description: Are Finding Aids Boundary Spanners or Barriers for Users?" Journal of Archival Organization.

E. Yakel and Deborah A. Torres, (in press), "AI: Archival Intelligence and User Expertise," American Archivist.

E. Yakel, (in press), "Archival Representation," Archival Science.

E. Yakel, (2002), "Listening to Users," Archival Issues (26/2).

E. Yakel, (2001) "The Social Construction of Accountability: Radiologists and Their Recordkeeping Practices," The Information Society 17/4 (October - December).

E. Yakel and C. A. Colligan, (2001) "Public Library Records: Issues of Accountability and Access," Public Library Quarterly.

R. J. Cox, E. Yakel, D. Wallace, J. Bastian, and J. Marshall, "Educating Archivists in Library and Information Science Schools," Journal of Education for Library and Information Science 42/3 (2001): 61-73.

R. J. Cox, E. Yakel, D. Wallace, J. Bastian, and J. Marshall, "Archival Education at the Millennium: The Status of Archival Education in North American Library and Information Science Schools," Library Quarterly 71/2 (April 2001).

E. Yakel, "An Institutional View of Electronic Records Management: Hospitals and Teleradiology," Information Management Journal 35/1 (January 2001).

E. Yakel, "Thinking inside and outside the boxes: Archival Reference Services at the
Millennium," Archivaria, 49 (2000).

E. Yakel, "The Future of the Past: A Survey of Graduates of Masters-Level Graduate Archival Education Programs in the United States," American Archivist 63/2 (Fall/Winter 2000).

E. Yakel, "Knowledge Management: The Archivist's and Records Manager's Perspective," Information Management Journal 34/3 (July 2000): 24-30.

E. Yakel, "Museums, Management, Media, and Memory: Lessons from the Enola Gay Exhibit," Libraries and Culture, Spring 2000: 278-301.

E. Yakel, "The Way Things Work: Procedures, Processes, and Organizational Records," American Archivist 59/4 (Fall) 1996. Also published as "La Façon Dont Les Chose Fonctionnent: Procédures, Traitments et Archives Institutionnelles," La Gazette des Archives Nouvelle Serie No. 172/1, 1996.

W. R. Brown, jr. and E. Yakel, "Redefining the Role of College and University Archives in the Information Age," American Archivist, 59/3 (Summer) 1996.

E. Yakel, "Managing College Archives without an Archivist," College and Undergraduate Libraries 3/1, 1996.

E. Yakel, and L. Bost, "Administrative Use and Users in College and University Archives," American Archivist 57/4 (Fall) 1994.

E. Yakel, "The Vatican Archives Project: Automating Access to the Holdings of the Vatican Archives," Catholic Archives 14, 1994.

P. J. Wosh and E. Yakel, "Smaller Archives and Professional Development: Some New York Stories," (Project Report and Evaluation of the Technical Assistance Project and discussion of measuring institutional change), American Archivist 55/3 (Summer) 1992.

E. Yakel, "Pushing MARC AMC to its Limits: The Vatican Archives Project", American Archivist 55/1 (Winter) 1992.

E. Yakel, "Institutionalizing an Archives", American Archivist 52/2 (Spring) 1989.

In preparation:

E. Yakel and Jihyun Kim, "Midwest State Archives on the Web," Commissioned by Archival Issues

E. Yakel and Jihyun Kim, "EAD Diffusion and Adoption in the Archival Community"

E. Yakel, "The Rise of Core Archival Knowledge? A Citation Analysis of Syllabi"

E. Yakel, Jeannette Bastian, and Jihyun Kim. "Towards the Development of a Core Archival Curriculum"

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