Presentations : Invited Presentations
"Impact of Internet-based Discovery Tools on Use and Users of Archives," Proceedings of the XXXVI International Council on Archives Roundtable on Archives (CITRA) Meeting, November 11-14, 2002, Marseilles, France.
"Current Events and Records Issues," invited presentation to the Mid-Michigan Chapter of the Association of records Managers and Administrators, June 21, 2001.
Archivist's Workbench Meeting, convened by the Digital Library Federation. Invited presentations: "History of Archival Information Systems and Architecture," and "Research Issues," February 2002.
Invited presentation: "Rationale and Obstacles in Establishing an In-house Mission Archives," Non-Denominational Mission Archives Conference, Wheaton, IL November 1-3, 2001.
"Knowledge Management," invited presentation to the Mid-Michigan Chapter of the Association of records Managers and Administrators, June 21, 2001.
With R. Lamberski, "Searching for the Differences Technology Makes," International Conference on Learning with Technology (ICLT), March 8-10, 2000, Philadelphia, PA.
Keynote Address: "Thinking Inside and Outside the Boxes: Archival Reference at the Close of the 20th Century," Society of Rocky Mountain Archivists Spring Meeting, June 3-4, 1999, Greeley, CO.
Plenary speaker: "Nature and Future of the Archival Profession," Midwest Archives Conference May 1-3, 1997, Chicago, IL.
Invited lectures
on Archival Education in the United States, Moscow State University for
the Humanities, Moscow, Russia, September / October 1994.